Welcome to Tech Updates! Here we will discuss any new features or updates that are made to the website. To kick off Volume 1, I’d like to present you with the newest website feature, TEAMS. Located in the main menu, the TEAMS link will take you to our newest page. The TEAMS page is a sports card representation of each team and coach, that’s you!

Card Features


Picture: A nice mug

Champ Badge: You will gain a Champ Badge for each championship you win! Just like those helmet stickers on college football teams!

Badges: These will be given out for various different events or achievements and will be pinned on to your coach card. Current badges that exist are: Founding Member, Rookie, and Commish


General Info: Gives a brief background of your team’s achievements in the NCAL

Stats: Highlights important stats or records

Bio: Gives the rest of the league a way to get to know you a bit better

(to see the back of the card, just click on the card on mobile or hover over the card on desktop)

What I need from you…

As you may have noticed, I didn’t really have a good picture of you guys. So I took the liberty of finding an adequate, yet temporary substitute. I also didn’t have a good bio for you guys so I filled in the blanks the best I could. If you would like for me to update your card. Please email me at amedalhipapias@gmail with the following info:

  • A picture you would like to see on the front of the card
  • 3 things about yourself and 1 fun fact

Lastly, if you have a chance. View the page in desktop mode! I spent a lot of time coding the 3D animation and then I realized that most of you will only see it on mobile. Don’t let my time have been in vain.